Voliol's website

About me:
I'm a person dabbling in various fields, such as messing around with games (video and not), reading whatever manga I can get my hands on, and getting lost in wikis for stuff I both do and don't have any experience with prior.
About this website:
This is my website, where I plan on posting some articles on things I find interesting, and links to stuff I've done elsewhere. Also there's a list of "things I've contributed to", where I can't claim any major credit. They are here because they are cool, and I want to recommend them.
- On combining games (1, 2)
- Pokémon Palettes in Generation I
- Pokémon Palettes in Generation II
- Pokémon Palettes in Generation III
- Pokémon Forms Are Complicated
- Pokémon Palette Backgrounds in Generation III
- Ripping Sprites from Dragon Quest VI - A Report
- Dwarf Fortress Mod Structure - A Suggestion
- Ninpek Enemy Guide
Misc. stuff on this website:
Other things I've made:
- Voliol's Various Vivants (VVV), a Dwarf Fortress mod adding various real-life animals and plants.
- DF Diagnosipack, a package of modding tools for Dwarf Fortress. (not updated for DF v50)
Things I've contributed to:
- The Universal Pokémon Randomizer FVX, by a number of people over the years. A Randomizer branch with various unique features and bugfixes, managed by foxoftheasterisk and I.
- Teh LOLmod, by many members of the Dwarf Fortress community (the list is to long to put here). An off-the-wall community mod for Dwarf Fortress, drawing inspiration directly from the internet (and whereever). I'm the current manager.
- Highfantasy Modpack, by kiiranaux. A modpack for Dwarf Fortress, which includes VVV.
- Warsim: The Realm of Aslona, by Huw Millard. A cool text-based game, with some faces (and gnome insults) made by me.
Date format:
This website uses the date format YYYYY-MM-DD, that is year first, then month,
and finally the date.
The 5 "Y"s are not because of some far future alternate reality setting, but simply
that the site uses the Holocene Calendar
(or Human Era, HE), which essentially adds 10000 years to the
Gregorian Calendar.
Why is this? Well, I just think of it as something neat. You can think of it as an
arbitrary eccentricity, that isn't too off.
E.g. the date I am writing this, August 22 12022, would be written as 12022-08-22.